Free admission
to the enclosure

Ponies, minipigs,
and goats

Peacocks freely
moving about the grounds

We feed the animals
every afternoon
Plan a trip to Diana - all practical information in one spot
The enclosure is accessible free of charge
Cameroon dwarf goats can climb trees, Shetland ponies were used for pulling heavy burdens in English mines, Göttingen minipigs were originally bred for medical experiments, and Frosty the snow-white peacock is not an albino. His is a rare form of colouring of the Indian peafowl.
Yes. If the animals approach you at the fence, you can pet them. However, although our animals are nice and calm, carefulness (especially with children) is always fitting.
We are sorry, but to protect the animals’ health, it is forbidden to feed the animals. But do not fear, we care for our animals well and expertly.
At the moment, no. However, follow our website or FB, because we are planning on a full-contact mini zoo at Diana in the future.